Art and Entertainment in the Age of COVID

Richard Chang, Arts and Culture senior editor at the Voice of OC, lecturer in journalism, and former KUCI DJ, offers a cultural map of opportunities and workarounds during the pandemic and a look beyond. This is the second to last edition of “Digging Out.”

Music credits: The Comet is Coming, “New Age,” Channel The Spirits – album; Shabaka Hutchings, “Black Skin, Black Masks,” We Out Here – album.

O C Board of Supervisors; Partying Like It’$ 1899

Norberto Santana, founding publisher and editor in Chief of the Voice of OC trains his penetrating and seasoned journalistic eye on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. With billions of public money being spent, and not being spent, transparency is the watch word and civic engagement is the remedy. The next Board of Supervisor public meeting is this Tuesday, July 27th.
Music credits: The Comet is Coming, “New Age,” Channel The Spirits album; Shabaka and the Ancestors, “Behold the Deceiver” We Are Sent Here by History – album.

UCI Institute MINDing Aducanamab AND OC UnderMining Asian Heritage

UCI MIND (Institute for Memory Impairment and Neurological Disorders) director Dr. Josh Grill, takes some deep dives into promising findings in clinical trials for medications treating Alzheimer’s disease.
In the second segment (minute 36:32), Voice of OC Voice reporter, Brandon Pho talks from his recent article about hate crimes directed toward Asian Americans in Orange County.

Music credits: Greg Foat, “Symphonie Pacifique;” Rob Mazurek-Exploding Star Orchestra, “Parable of Inclusion,” Dimensional Stardust – album; Uniting of Opposites “Corridor Moves,” Ancient Lights – album.

Voices of Our County AND “Blood/Sugar” Plays This Saturday

Today’s show begins with Norberto Santana, founding publisher and editor in chief of the nonprofit, digital newsroom, Voice of OC. He reflects on the bobbing and weaving of holding local government officials accountable during the pandemic and before and after the 11/3/20 season. An extended interview is available at:

In the second segment, (minute 32:27) Diana Wyenn, a Los Angeles-based director, choreographer, dramaturg, and curator of contemporary performance, brings her virtual, autobiographical live performance of Blood / Sugar this Saturday evening, 11/21 at 7 pm @ CalTech Live!

Music credits: Greg Foat, “Symphonie Pacifique;” Mint Field, “Quiero Otoño de Nuevo” – Pasar De Las Luces – album; Rone “Gingko Biloba,“ Room with A View – album

Entire program

Voice of OC Keeping Tabs on Orange County Elected Officials in the Age of COVID

Nick Gerda, reporter with the Voice of OC, a digital news agency based in Santa Ana, shares his observations about how the county government is performing, literally and figuratively, as it sets policy and administers procedures in the age of COVID-19.  The stakes are raised ever higher, as various Board of Supervisors gear up in their campaigns toward the November 2020 general election.