Miles Knows Jack About Religion

For the entire hour we hear from a font of religion and history, UCI Humanities professor Jack Miles, general editor of the recently released “Norton Anthology of World Religions.” A gallery of religion beckons all comers to this remarkable publication. We bow to this collaboration which includes the work of individual editors: Wendy Doniger (U of Chicago), Hinduism; Donald Lopez, Jr., (U of Michigan), Buddhism; James Robson (Harvard), Daoism; David Biale (UC Davis), Judaism; Lawrence Cunningham, (Notre Dame), Christianity; and Jane Dammen MacAuliffe (Bryn Mawr/Georgetown), Islam.

The Bowers Museum – Something for Everyone This Summer

Special curator for the Bowers’ Museum, Victoria Gerard will talk about the Bowers’ embarrassment of riches this summer, in beautiful downtown Santa Ana. The 1968 Exhibit; Adams, Curtis, and Weston: Photographers of the American West; Qi Bashi, Chinese Modern Master; Sacred Realms, Temple Murals by Shashi Dhoj; and a Retrospective of Nancy Ravenhall Johnson. BOWERS MUSEUM: 2002 North Main Street, Santa Ana, CA 92706. ?Tickets and Information available at: 714.567.3600.


Wasserstrom on China, Part II

Resuming from where he left us hanging, at the conclusion of the brief June 2 interview, is UCI Humanities Professor Jeff Wasserstrom. Topics include what will become of Gu Yi, his family, and the other signatories of their earnest letter of protest in The Guardian; what impact will it have in Mainland China; and how can Americans better understand the People’s Republic of China,-why do we get it so wrong? Required reading is Wasserstrom’s book: China in the 21st Century: What Everyone Should Know, published by Oxford University Press.

Anteaters Mind the Water Footprint AND The Rite of Spring: Commencement Addresses

Fred Bockmiller, Manager of Engineering at Facilities Management at UCI – the man on the Water Action Plan detail, leads Anteaters toward reducing their water footprint.

Then we are treated to the whole package concerning Commencement addresses. Dr. Susan Jarratt, professor of rhetoric at UCI’s School of the Humanities, takes up the art, the history, and the method of the commencement address.

Returning to the show as AAL co-hostess is, Helen Kirkby.

What Wasserstrom Needs to Say About China AND The End of Toxic Turf

UCI Humanities professor Jeff Wasserstrom considers dissent in contemporary China. The conversation about more than dissent will continue on this show June 16th. Required reading includes Wasserstrom’s “China in the 21st Century; What Everyone Should Know,” published by Oxford Press, with a new edition planned by the end of 2015; as well as “China Digital Times.”

Talking cleaner landscape practices for Irvine Unified School District, are: Kathleen Hallal (IUSD PTA Health and Safety Chair), Dr. Jonathan Sorci (former chemist and currently a physican), and Tom Kelly (founder of BeeSafeOrganic Lawn Program). The good news is it’s cost effective, helps in drought conditions, and has already been adopted in many cities and states in the Union.