Marrie Stone is your inestimable host this show, giving the full hour to UCI visual anthropologist, filmmaker, and author, Roxanne Varzi. Details about her publications and all her visual work are available at:
Monthly Archives: January 2019
CaSTL’s Drawbridge to Under-Represented Talent
For the full hour, we present a stellar example of how the entire UCI campus and academia the world round, can realize genuine diversity in their ranks. Today’s three guests, offering this opportunity in various capacities at the NSF and UCI’s Center for Chemistry at the Space Time Limit: CaSTL are: outreach extraordinaire Danielle Watt, and researchers Kate Rodriguez and Howard Weatherspoon, about their work and recruiting under-represented minorities to STEM careers. Follow leading edge research and socially redeeming projects at:
OC Kingmaker/Queenmaker Speaks AND 3rd Annual OC Women’s March 1-19-19
In the second segment (minute 36:37): Jennifer Muir Beuthin, labor leader and journalist, as an organizer of this year’s OC Women’s March, posts us on what to expect at this 3rd annual taking place in Santa Ana on 1/19, 10 a.m-1 p.m.
SaferMade Raises Consumers’ Game AND Grand Central Art Center Celebrates Their 20th
In the second segment (minute 33:43), John Spiak, Director Chief Curator of the Grand Central Art Center in beautiful downtown Santa Ana, brings compelling installations, events and programs to our attention. GCAC is located at 125 N Broadway, S.A. Call 714-567-7233 or go to: for all postings of current and future delights.
Breastfeeding Mothers: Help Is Three Minutes Away
For the entire hour Melanie Silverman, Chief Clinical Officer; and Vivien Earthman, contracting lactation specialist; break down how their app Pacify is a public health game changer offering full support, and a special kind of life-line, to new parents. A wholesome and hopeful note upon which to start 2019. Questions could be directed to: or details for enrolling are available at: