All four candidates for the CA 45th Congressional District were invited to be on this show. The result, Drew Leavens held court for the complete hour, as the other candidates were either not available, nor replied to the invitation. This guest appearance hews closely to policy in efforts to familiarize the public with his candidacy. His campaign can be followed on or on
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Cybergeddon: It Ain’t Necessarily So AND Real Voters of Orange County
Bill Blunden, computer security researcher, talks about his recently published book, co-written with Violet Cheung, “Behold A Pale Farce; Cyberwar, Threat Inflation, and the Malware Industrial Complex.” From their exhaustively documented piece, we gain a better understanding about the political and economic factors that undermine our privacy in the name of national security. Additional commentary from Bill is available at:; copies of the book are available at
As the California direct primary on June 3rd draws near, Neal Kelley, Orange County Registrar of Voters, posts us on: the changes in our ballots, registration and absentee ballot deadlines, and all the essential polling place information. Confirmation of a voter’s registration and all information pertaining to the primary are available at Early voting apart from completing an absentee ballot, can be done at the Registrar’s Office located at: 1300-C, Grand Ave, Santa Ana. The office is available to take calls about election day irregularities at 714-567-7600.
Viniyoga AND California High Speed Rail
This show is dedicated to the late, great Tim Carpenter, Orange County grassroots organizer, and founder of Progressive Democrats of America; who died at the age of 55, on 4/28/14.
Viniyoga trainer Juris Zinbergs takes his practice from the lineage of renowned gurus: Krisnamakcharya, Vivekanda,and TKV Desikachar, to address the essentials of yoga in our day and age. Juris will be one of several trainers presenting a free forum, open to the public, on May 17th, at UCI’s Anteater Recreation Center. Information and reservations are available through: Juris will also teach at a 200 hour Viniyoga Instructor Training at UCI this summer; details are available at or
Shifing the pace, is the second guest, Michelle Boehm, Southern California Regional Director of the CA High Speed Rail Authority (HSR). The first in the nation, the HSR authority’s massive plans over these next several decades are taking shape amidst exciting times with the public’s shifting preferences in transit. Your questions and comments are welcome at the following platforms: Facebook: ‘California High Speed Rail Authority’, Twitter: @CaHSRA, Flickr: ‘hsrcagov’, and Online ridership campaign: ‘#iwillride’.