Refugees’ Thermostat and Chocolatier’s Thermometer

Our guest for the full hour is Olya Yaloza, chocolatier originally from Lviv, Ukraine, now setting up life and her enterprise here in OC. The host first met her at the World Refugee Day earlier this summer. As she explained what it was like to produce some of the finest chocolates one could find anywhere in the world, and to have to uproot from providing that choicest of treats, giving up her personal investments in that business – it became apparent that her story ought to be heard. That refugees are over-achievers is an adage that listeners will hear again today.

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; DakhaBrakha, “Carpathian Rap,” broadcast in KEXP Studios.

World Relief Makes Room at the Inn

My guest for the full hour is José Serrano, Associate Director of Immigration & Outreach Senior Immigration Services and Dept. of Justice Accredited Representative, in the Garden Grove office, the Southern California headquarters for World Relief, He considers how much room there may be in the inn, the US inn, that is, with respect to immigration policy as it changes by the hour. Music credits: Greg Foat, “Symphonie Pacifique”; and Calexico, “Happy Christmas”, Seasonal Shift – album.

Refugees: Real, Here, and Now

For the full hour, refugee crises are made very personal, very real, with Guerline Jozef, executive director of the Haitian Bridge Alliance and Lydia Natoolo, former U. C. Irvine Student Body President and current vice-presidential candidate for the Ugandan diaspora. While you are at it, help yourself to additional materials: and  

Seconds Use Plastic AND Refugees and Our Collective Humanity

Senior plastics campaigner David Pinsky, is out there in front with Greenpeace’s assessment and ranking of the US supermarkets’ contribution to the plastic waste stream. Customers, get your details at:
Then in the second half (minute 27:30), Jackie Menter, co-founder of the Orange County Jewish Coalition for Refugees, brings the heft of her personal experience with refugees amidst the international commemorations of the World Refugee Day, amidst the ramping up of the man made immigration disaster occurring along our border and around the country. Ample marching orders are provided for those who refuse to witness the horrors in silence.