Meet CA Senate Dist. 37 Candidates: Alex Mohajer and Guy Selleck

We are 3 weeks out from CA Primary Election Day, March 5th. Our vote-by-mail ballots are delivered; on Feb. 24th select vote centers will open, 25 with a drive through ballot drop off. The Registrar of Voters office will be open for the entire voting period. Information is available at: . AAL continues coverage of the primary; on today’s roster are 2 State Senator candidates running in the 37th District: First is Alex Mohajer, Democrat and LA County Civil Service Advocate/Employee Relations Representative. In the second segment (approx. minute 28:40) is Guy Selleck, Republican and founder/CEO/principal of BuildersMax Inc. and G.E.M. Investment Properties.

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; Miki Yamamoto, ”Suite 1 Brain,” Human Dust Suite – album; and Bela Fleck “Rhapsody in Bluegrass,” single.

Quality Aging In Our World

For the full hour is Kate Abate, Gerontologist, Olympian Athlete, Healthspan Implementation Research & Development. As a gerontologist she offers insight about elder abuse under our very noses; along the continuum, from intentional to not so intentional. Together we slogged through an unwieldy and useful conversation about our elders as we collectively strive for better aging outcomes, or just plain better aging scenarios. A short reading list of Kate’s recommendations includes: Louise Aaronson, “Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life,” “Atul Gawande, “On Being MOrtal,” and Chip Conley, “Wisdom at Work,” and the eldercarelocater:

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa- album; Wayne Shorter, “Footprints,” Adams Apple – album.