Artistic Treasures At Year’s End

As we close out this year together, a treat from two performing arts artistic directors. First, the retiring artistic director of America Ballet Theater, Kevin McKenzie offers the long view of his 30 years leading that internationally acclaimed dance company. In the second segment (minute 29:08), South Coast Repertory artistic director David Ivers reflects on coming back full throttle in this season, and offers early next year’s “Voices of America;” two plays in conversation with each other – Little Foxes and Appropriate.

Music credits: Chimora, “African Americano,” Sounds of Africa- album; Carlos Simon “Amen;” The Scott Oakley Trio, “Greensleeves,” Jazz for the Holidays – album.

Continuation of CA Stem Cell Cures Research AND Pacify App: Helping New Parents

First, Robert Klein, Chairman of the CA Stem Cell Research, Treatment and Cures Initiative 2020 and Mitra Hooshmand, Director of Californians for Cures bring very fresh news about the California initiative campaign to continue funding for stem cell research in CA. The drive for signatures continues, postmarks must be no later than 4-16-20:

In the second segment (minute 32:18), Melanie Silverman, Chief Clinical Officer for Pacify, returns to talk about how her service speaks to particular needs of new parents in the Age of COVID.  Details on getting set up with this app are available at: