Naturalization Delays Ramp Up AND Talking Truth to California Power Companies

Ming Chen, law professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, and a member of the Colorado State Advisory Committee to the US Commission on Civil Rights, reports on the lengthening delays in the naturalization process. Fascinating findings are available in that report entitled: “Citizenship Delayed: Civil Rights and Voting Rights Implications of the Backlog in Citizenship Naturalization Applications.” Attention: if you have not already applied for citizenship, you will likely not be eligible to vote in the November 2020 presidential election.

In the second segment (minute 40:20), Richard Alexander, electrical engineer and technical electrical publisher provides insights about the electricity infrastructure amidst the wildfires breaking out in California.

AI Predicts Wildfires in Alaska AND “30 Years of Discovery; Hope on the Horizon Dealing with Alzheimer’s

Shane Coffield, PhD student and researcher at UCI’s Department of Earth System Science, presents the Randerson Labs’ interesting findings using machine learning/artificial intelligence which models wildfires in Alaska, to predict which fires will burn out of control.  The model will have application with California wildfires.

In the second segment (minute 30:19), Dr. Carl Cotman covers the state of Alzheimer’s research in advance of the UCIMIND Alzheimer’s Association annual conference in Irvine on 10-25-19, the title of which is “30 Years of Discovery; Hope on the Horizon.  Chelsea Cox covers the roster of this year’s presenters. Information about UCI MIND is available at: