The State of Nursing Home Care in the U.S.

Dr. Dana Mukamel, economist and UCI professor of medicine, will talk about her findings in the Health Services Research journal published Dec 2023, in collaboration with Heather Ladd, Debra Saliba, and Tamara Konextzka; all of who whom have found that not just adding staff, but specialized training and a more stable labor will improve outcomes in American nursing home care, including dementia care. One of the resources that she particularly found useful for listeners to reference is the Quality Care Compare resource:

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; #17 Wilhelm Peterson-Berger composer, “Gratulation,” Nordic Piano Favorites – album.

COVID and the Practice of Disaster Medicine Part 2

This is the second installment of Dr. Carl Schultz’ coverage of the COVID pandemic. He is currently the Emergency Medical Services medical director at Orange County’s Health Agency, and for the full hour, speaks as a seasoned disaster medicine practitioner and researcher at UC Irvine.

COVID and the Practice of Disaster Medicine Part 1

Today we peel back the curtain of disaster medicine during the pandemic with Dr. Carl Schultz’ frank and heartfelt insight. He is currently the Emergency Medical Services medical director at Orange County’s Health Agency, and for the full hour, speaks as a seasoned disaster medicine practitioner and researcher at UC Irvine. The extended portion of the interview is in Part 2 of this day’s posting.