Moms For Liberating Ukraine

My guest for the full hour is Paige Barrows, a fully-immersed volunteer bringing humanitarian aide to Ukraine. Her commitment to Ukraine stems from her service as a Peace Corps worker in Ukraine 2010-2012. She talks about her activities both stateside as well as in Ukraine since the full invasion by Russia in 2022. Her latest trip was to Bucha, Irpin, and multiple locations along the from line in April 2024. She is the first non-Ukrainian to speak about this war on our show.

Here are her handle and links promised in the broadcast: @paigeinkansas;;;

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; and Parfeniuk Vsevolod Zaderatsky’s Preludes and Fugues in a minor, performed by Irma Klimenko.

“AI’s Hippocratic Oath” AND “War Up Close” VR Immersion of War in Ukraine

For the full hour is Chinmayi Sharma, assistant professor at Fordham University Law School. Think Cassandra for this time we are in, as she brings her not-so-modest proposal, “AI’s Hippocratic Oath.” Amidst the tech sector’s arms race to build these voracious artificial intelligence systems, she raises the specter of harm overtaking the common good. Professionalizing the AI engineers at the front end would do for the public, what licensing other professions has done for clients, patients, and communities. In the closing segment (approx. minute 46:15) is Mykola Omelchenko, Ukrainian filmmaker/photographer who’s presenting “War Up Close” showing Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine thru virtual reality this Friday, April 12 at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood Stand With Ukraine 11 am-6 pm this Friday. It’s free, visitors can sign up at:

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; Claraguilar, “Invisible Orchestra,” Figura – album; Vsevolod Zaderatsky’s Preludes and Fugues, performed by Jascha Nemtsov.″

One Ukrainian Voice Rising to This Moment

For the full hour is Andriy Strekhaliuk, Ukrainian entrepreneur, consultant in HR & organizational development, and instructor at local business school – currently assisting his country’s military. He paints a personal picture of one Ukrainian man and his family, as well as show particular intersections between Ukrainian and American institutions, while taking every opportunity to bring us along with Ukrainians’ rich culture. Along with this broadcast, the host urges a listen to the accompanying Part 2 below. Andriy offers a host of resources for listeners who want to be more than by-standers to the horrific invasion of Ukraine. Those include:;;; – thinker and entrepreneur; – author – philospher, journalist

Music credits: Chimora, “African Americano,” Sounds of Africa- album; Jazz Kolo, Ukrainian Jazz Melody.

Part 2: This is a continuation of Andriy Strekhaliuk’s personal accounts of his participation in the EuroMaidan movement and how that contributes to the capacity that is rallying in Ukraine’s nation building – before, during, and after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. He closes with some family notes.