Friendship Park Along the Mexican and US Border

Along the US Mexican Border is one particular segment. It’s hot alright on planet earth; and conditions along that slice of the border no less so. Reflecting on the evolution of that space is Ricardo Arana Camarena, director of the food justice project “Cultiva ya!” and co-creator of the community garden project around the binational garden of native plants on the Mexican side of Friendship Park. It’s a special part of the border is a mere 105 miles from this live broadcast. In the absence of John Fanestil, Executive Director of Via International and long-time leader of Friends of Friendship Park, Ricardo anchored the coverage of the software and the hardware in that *space*.

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; El Santo Golpe, “La Cosecha,” NYCT-7036 – album.