Bringing All Young Voters To The Electoral Finish Line

For the full hour is Joey Forsyte, an LA based, award-winning filmmaker and visual artist. She focuses on works that build community, political awareness and activism. She is the owner of Velocity Filmworks as well as the founder and executive director of A Band of Voters. Civics is on her front burner as she works with institutions that reach out to the youngest of eligible voters: CA Student Civic and Voter Empowerment Act of 2019, the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE), and the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), to name a few. Interested parties can reach Joey et. al. by emailing them at:

This is a reminder for all eligible voters to register to vote and keep confirming their registration as many primaries continue, in the run up to the 2024 general election this November 5th.

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; and Kamasi Washington, “The Magnificent,” The Epic – album.

Meet CA State Senate 37th Dist Candidate Crystal Miles AND League of Women Voters’ Civics Toolkits

We are 1 week away from CA Primary Election Day, March 5th. On today’s roster is our last candidate: Crystal Miles, Villa Park City Council member, running as a Republican in the CA State Senate 37th District. Other candidates either did not reply, were unavailable for interview, have appeared in past election cycles, or are not actively campaigning.

In today’s second segment (approx. minute 27:15), we do one better with a heady discussion of civics. Taking that up is Linda Bytof, retired judge and currently the Chair of Youth Outreach Committee with the League of Women Voters, Alameda CA; and a member on the Alameda Co Office of Education Civics Advisory Committee.

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; Nestor Torres, “Solar,” Dance of the Phoenix – album; Mc Coy Tyner Trio, ” Happy Days,” Infinity – album.

NOTE: Calling all “Ask A Voter” guests to reach the host to appear on the CA Primary show next week. We still have openings. As with election show, we want to hear your election story: about your first time you registered and why are you voting today.