Climate Action Campaign Considers Irvine City Council Biz

For the larger share of the hour is Climate Action Campaign policy director, Ayn Craciun. She talks about local public works, public advocacy, and public office aspirations. Of interest are: the redirection of Orange County Power Authority (OCPA); warehouses in the land-use mix; the single use plastics non-ban; and the CA March 5th Primary ballot down ticket item-the Irvine City Charter amendment.

NOTE: The California State Auditor’s 2-28-23 report pertaining to the OCPA is available here: The CA Energy Commission is an entity under the CA Natural Resources Agency, the director of whom is appointed by the governor of California.

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; a tba jazz track; and Teodross Avery, “Teo,” Harlem Stories: The Music of Thelonius Monk – album.

Energy Choices Driving Climate in Irvine and Orange County

Ayn Craciun, Orange County Policy Advocate with the Climate Action Campaign brings you energy in three parts: the City of Irvine’s newly adopted electrification ordinance, the Climate Action plans, and the Orange County Power Authority.

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa- album; Ann Callaway, “Thoughts and Prayers.”