Public Goods and Liabilities on Irvine City Council Roster AND Are The Kids Alright?

Irvine Planning Commission Chairwoman Branda Lin, covers City Council items currently under consideration: the city’s proposed acquisition of the All American Asphalt plant, Live Nation’s amphitheater prospects, USA Water Polo, municipal districts, and more.

In the second segment (minute 36:30), Melyssa Zive offers insight about adolescent mental health in her capacity as Program Director for ROWI Teen & Parent Wellness Center recently opened in Tustin, California.

Music credits: Chimora, “Africano Americano,” Sounds of Africa – album; The Black Market Trust, “Minor Swing,” Folk Songs – album; and Odetta, “This Little Light of Mine.”

Meet Irvine City Council Candidates: Larry Agran and Navid Sadigh

Two weeks to go before the election day; so much activity with early voting. Today we hear from two gentlemen running for Irvine City Council, incumbent Larry Agran and Navid Sadigh (minute 36:54). On the menu: Orange County Power Authority, All American Asphalt Co, the Great Park, broadband services, and municipal elected districts.

Music credits: Chimora, “African Americano,” Sounds of Africa- album; Elisa Bee, “A Sun That Never Goes Down;” Weather Report, “Young and Fine,” This Is Jazz – album.