Students’ Well Being AND The Planet’s Well Being

Dr. Mahtab Jafari, UCI Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Director of The UCI Center for Healthspan Sciences, brings her breakthrough course promoting healthy lifestyle choices and students’ well-being, now going University of CA system wide. Then, in the second segment (minute 33:39), Orange County Citizens Climate Lobby activists, Ginger Osborne and Mark Tabbert post us on where their bi-partisan efforts over these last 12 years, bring them at this juncture with a new president and the 117th Congressional Session.

Music credits: Greg Foat, “Symphonie Pacifigue”; Scott Miller, “Joyful Joyful,” Christmas Gift – album; Indigo Girls, “Happy Joyous Hanukkah” Happy Holly Days – album

Blockchain in Your Town AND Safety Net For All

Ben Leffel, Ph.D. candidate in the Dept. of Sociology and Public Impact Distinguished Fellow at UCI, returns with leading edge opportunities for municipal leadership to take up toward climate change, especially in the age of COVID. In the second segment, My Nguyen, community organizer at OC Communities Organized for Responsible Development, brings to our attention a new campaign: Safety Net For All of Us, offering some relief to undocumented residents in need during the pandemic:

Climate Action Hits The Road Again AND The Central Park Five Voiced in Opera

Before he heads out on his West Coast Climate Action road tour, Shahir Masri weigsh in about the climate initiatives moving through Congress. He’ll pack copies of his book, Beyond Debate: Answers to 50 Misconceptions on Climate Change. Have a peek of the tour and other progress at:

In the second segment (minute 27:25), performer, teacher, and activist, Dr. Derrell Acon talks about his singing role in the Long Beach Opera world premier of The Central Park Five by Anthony Davis. In addition, he talks about the LBO’s companion justice-themed lectures during this season. Details are available at: