Fright of Extreme Workouts AND The Rite of Spring

Dr. Justin Lin, licensed, certified doctor of physical therapy, with his own practice in Tustin, cautions us on fad workouts, and offers advise in seeking professional trainers and therapists. His practice website, www.rehabandrevive.comprovides additional resources. Other useful links include: and as well as Covering a monumental, local cultural event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first performance of The Rite of Spring, are UCIrvine Claire Trevor Bren School of the Arts Dance Dept. faculty John Crawford and Lisa Naugle. Their collaboration, The Sacre, will be staged at the Samueli Theater around the corner from the Pacific Symphony’s performance of the Rite of Spring on June 6, 7, and 8. All details pertaining to this multi-faceted, multi-media, multi-staged program are available at or by calling 714-755-5799. Innumerable UCI School of the Arts All Stars are involved in presenting this phenomenal Sacre collaboration.   Fright of Extreme Workouts AND The Rite of Spring