2017 California-Pacific Triennial at OCMA AND Disparaging Clauses at Work

Los Angeles artist, Beatriz Cortez and Assistant Curator Alyssa Cordova, consider what’s on view at the Orange County Museum of Art’s “2017 California Pacific Triennial, Building as Ever,” on exhibit now through September 3rd. For hours, location, and upcoming events consult their website: http://www.ocma.net/.

The second segment (min 27:25) covers the latest in sexual harassment workplace issues with local employment attorney Teresa McQueen. Our focus is mainly on the intricacies of the disparagement clause in contract agreements, trending a bit in Silicon Valley and possibly in an office very near you. Ms. McQueen will be launching in September a monthly podcast entitled “Workplace Perspective,” covering employment law, HR issues, business etiquette, and workplace civility. It will be available on her firm’s website: http://saffirelegal.com/.