Tai Chi To Her Rescue AND Welcome to University Hills

Cal State Fullerton philosophy professor JeeLoo Liu, accompanied by Tai chi Master Leu, offers a vigorous testimonial of how mastery of tai chi ended her severe back pain without surgery. More information about the non-profit association, Jin Pei Club (whose website is currently posted in Mandarin), is available by contacting Dr. Liu at jeelooliu@gmail.com. Classes are free to the public at Irvine’s community parks (Turtle Rock, Bill Barber and Northwood) on different days/times. Dr. Liu teaches in English on: Tuesday (TRCP) and Thursday evenings (BBCP) at 7-8:30pm and Saturday mornings (NCP) at 8-9:30am.

Then UCI senior lecturer Ken Chew talks about his research entitled, “America’s Smartest Neighborhood? A Demographer Explores University Hills, the Nation’s Largest On-Campus Faculty Housing Complex.” See his May lecture at: http://www.icha.uci.edu/Living/spot-light.php.