New TWIST for Veterans AND California Campaign Clense

Evan Hafer, Co-Founder and CEO of TwistRate, launches on July 4th, this first investment portal solely dedicated to veterans. The range of enterprises will surprise you: from security services to fine art. D’Marie Mulattieri, campaign finance reform activist; and Trent Lange, President and Executive Director of Clean Money Campaign; talk about several measures in the CA legislative process, including: recently enacted SB27, reforming the Political Reform Act of 1974 to further regulate campaign financing; SB52, the California Disclose Act intended for this November 2014 ballot; SB 1272, also intended for this November ballot, for the California Legislature to ratify, an amendment to overturn Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission; and AJR1, applying to the US Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution that would limit corporate personhood for purposes of campaign finance and political speech and would further declare that money does not constitute speech and may be legislatively limited. More information is available at:

New TWIST for Veterans AND California Campaign Clense